Laser Dentistry

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What is the laser used for in dentistry?

  1. Disinfection of root canal treatment. Laser light can penetrate the root much deeper than any other disinfection agents currently used. We do RCT with 2 types of lasers. The Waterlase laser cleans the canal and open the tubules of the dentine and the diode kill all the bacteria in the canal and the root. The success rate of the RCT is much higher.
  2. Disinfection of gum disease. The Waterlase can remove tartar (calculus) under the gum that the normal scaler (cleaning of teeth) can’t do. The diode then kill all the bacteria causing the gum infection.
  3. Disinfection and treatment of infection around dental implants. Lasers can remove bacteria and plaque from implant without damaging the implant surface and stimulate bone regeneration.
  4. Gum recontouring procedures. Gums that are not on the same level can look esthetically unpleasing and can be corrected with lasers
  5. Removal of pigments on the gums (Depigmentation procedure) Darker pigments on the gums can have a unesthetic appearance and can be removed with a laser.
  6. Removal of fibrous growths in the gums and lips. Sometimes benign growths appear to due to trauma or other causes and can easily be removed pain free.
  7. Treatment of hematomas, blood (black) lesions on the lips. The Epic diode laser from Biolase has a high affinity for blood. This is why lesions with a blood or vascular origin can be treated with the diode successfully.
  8. Exposure of unerupted teeth – to pull them into the arch. Teeth that don’t erupt the normal way can be helped by exposing them with the laser pain free.
  9. Release of tongue ties. The muscle attachment under the tongue can cause problems in some people. Babies that struggle to latch to the breast, have projectile vomiting might have a tong tie. Young children struggle with speech can also have a tongue tie. This can very easily be treated with the Laser with immediate results.
  10. Frenectomies – cut of muscle attachments under the lip. The muscle attachment under the lip can keep a space open between the front teeth and needs to be removed. This is done painlessly with a laser.
  11. Crown preparations. Before the scan or impression is taken for the crown, the gum needs to be managed, and bleeding controlled. This is easily done with a laser.
  12. Aesthetic dentistry
  13. Removal of carious dentine, decay. Using the Waterlase to remove the carious dentine, has a lot of pro’s: the vibration is a lot less than with the turbine handpiece, bacteria is also killed in the dentine left behind. The laser is a lot more selective to remove only carious dentine and not healthy dentine as well. More tooth structure is left with a stronger tooth.
  14. Pulpotomies (removal of pulp chamber) in primary teeth (baby teeth). To remove the pulp from a baby tooth can be traumatic, but with the laser it is pain free, the bleeding from the pulp can be controlled and the bacteria are killed with a higher success rate.
  15. Pain therapy after surgery. The infra-red diode laser can be used for pain therapy after extractions or any surgery to reduce the swelling and the pain afterwards. Photo biomodulation or low level laser therapy works on cellular level to stimulate healing.
  16. Temporal mandibular joint. As an adjunct treatment, together with the standard treatment of TMG pain, lasers can reduce the pain around the joint and also stimulate regeneration over time.
  17. Facial pain syndrome. The chewing muscles can go into spasm when grinding or clenching of teeth happens during the night. This can present as facial pain, headaches or even toothache that can’t be located. Treatment usually involves a biteplate, anti-inflammatory medication. Photo biomodulation with lasers can help to relax the muscles and reduce the pain and inflammation.
  18. Teeth Whitening. In chair teeth whitening procedures can be done with lasers to activate the gel and reduce post-operative sensitivity. Great results are achieved.
  19. Surgical procedures. Lasers help to reduce bleeding, improve the visibility of the surgical field and reduce post-operative pain.
  20. Coagulation – control of bleeding during surgery
  21. Removal of impacted wisdom teeth

Overall, lasers help with pain free dentistry and quicker healing times than the normal surgery done with a blade.